Chapter 2 - Basics of Computer
- Authors
- Ms. Samavi Salman
- Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab
Quick Recap
- Quick Recap – Introduction to Authors and Book
- In previous Chapter, I presented
- How to use the power of smile and appreciation to stay happy and motivated?
- How to achieve excellence in both Technical Skills and Human Engineering through this course?
- A brief introduction of the instructor of the course
- Course contents, course aims and course learning outcomes
- Course development and teaching methodology
Real-world Task
- Real-world Task
- Definition
- A Real-world Task is defined as a piece of work to be done or undertaken with an intention to please Allah
- Domain Expert vs Professional vs Subject Matter Expert
- Domain Expert
- A Domain Expert is a person who has extensive knowledge, skill, and experience in a particular subject
- Professional
- A Professional is a person who works and behaves in such a way that others think of him as a characterful, competent, reliable, and respectful personality
- Subject Matter Expert
- A Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a person who is an authority in a particular subject
- To become an authority in your subject
- Never Ever Compromise on Character
- Approaches to Perform a Real-world Task
- Three main approaches to perform a Real-world Task are
- Manual Approach
- Automatic Approach
- Semi-Automatic Approach
- Manual Approach
- Definition
- In Manual Approach, a Human (Domain Expert) will manually perform a Real-world Task
- Strengths
- The quality of work done will be high
- Weakness
- It requires Domain Experts to efficiently and accurately perform a Real-world Task and training of Domain Experts requires a lot of effort
- It requires a lot of effort, time and cost
- It is not practical when we have huge amount of Data
- Manual Approach Cont…
- Question
- How to overcome the Limitations of Manual Approach?
- Answer
- Develop Intelligent Machines to automatically or semi-automatically perform a Real-world Task
- Automatic Approach
- Definition
- In Automatic Approach, a Machine will automatically perform a Real-world Task
- Strength
- The amount of effort, time and cost will be reduced
- Machines do not get bored or tired
- Machines can easily and quickly process large amount of Data
- Weakness
- Automatic Approach may have scope of error, particularly when developing solutions to very complex Real-world Tasks
- We need Domain Experts to develop efficient automatic solutions for Real-world Tasks
- We need computational resources and human resources to execute and maintain the automatic solutions of Real-world Tasks
- Semi-automatic Approach
- Definition
- In Semi-automatic Approach, a Human will use a Machine to semi-automatically perform a Real-world Task
- Strength
- The amount of effort, time and cost will be reduced
- Machines assisting Human(s) in performing a Real-world Task will not get bored or tired
- Machines assisting Human(s) in performing a Real-world Task can easily and quickly process large amount of Data
- Weakness
- Machines assisting Human(s) in performing a Real-world Task may have scope of error
- We need Domain Experts to develop efficient Machine(s) to assist Human(s) in performing Real-world Tasks
- We need computational resources and human resources to execute and maintain the Machine(s) assisting Human(s) in performing Real-world Tasks
- Example – Manual, Automatic and Semi-automatic Approaches
- Real-world Task
- Calculate Zakat on your Wealth
- Manual Approach
- A human will manually calculate Zakat on his wealth
- Automatic Approach
- A machine will automatically calculate Zakat on his wealth
- Semi-automatic Approach
- A human will use a machine (e.g., Calculator) to semi-automatically calculate Zakat on his wealth
- Main Purpose of Automatic / Semi-automatic Approaches
- The main purpose of Automatic / Semi-automatic Approaches is to
- assist Human(s) in efficiently performing various Real-world Tasks
TODO and Your Turn
Todo Tasks
Your Turn Tasks
Todo Tasks
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
- Task 1.1
- Calculate Zakat on 1000
- Note
- Amount of Zakat is 5% of the total wealth
- Task 1.2
- If you give sadqa (صدقہ) 10 in the path of Allah, Allah will give you at least ten times (and there is no upper bound). How much you will get in return from Allah (considering reward of 10 times)
- Task 1.3
- Samavi recites Durood Sharif 1000 times daily. How much will she recite in 30 days?
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- How will you perform the above three Real-world Tasks using
- Manual Approach
- Automatic Approach
- Semi-automatic Approach
- How will you perform the above three Real-world Tasks using
- Task 1.1
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
Your Turn Tasks
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Select any three Real-world Tasks (similar to the ones given in the TODO) and answer the questions given below
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- How will you perform the selected three Real-world Tasks using
- Manual Approach
- Automatic Approach
- Semi-automatic Approach
- How will you perform the selected three Real-world Tasks using
Main Components to Perform a Real-world Task
- Main Components to Perform a Real-world Task
- To perform a Real-world Task, we need four main components
- Input
- Data
- Instruction(s)
- Storage
- Processing
- Output
- Input
- Example - Main Components to Perform a Real-world Task
- Real-World Task
- Calculate sum of two numbers
- Input
- Data
- Number1 = 7
- Number2 = 10
- Instruction(s)
- Add(+)
- Data
- Storage
- Input
- Input
- Data
- Instruction(s)
- Processing
- 7 + 10
- Output
- Sum of Two Numbers
- Calculate sum of two numbers
- Processing and Intelligence
- To efficiently process Data according to Instruction(s), Human uses
- Intelligence
- Main Components of a Human
- Allah (God) created all the Human Beings, with two main components
- Soul
- Body
- Human Body
- Definition
- A Human Body is defined as the structure of a Human Being
- Definition
- A Human Body is defined as the structure of a Human Being
- Human Organ System
- Question:
- How Human Organ System is made
- Answer:
- Human Body is composed of many different types of cells that together create tissues and subsequently Human Organ System
- Question:
- What are the Main Human Organs?
- Answer:
- Heart (King of all Human Organs)
- Brain
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
- Hands
- Feet
- Tongue
- Note:
- Human Body is the Hardware of a Human
- Human Soul
- Definition
- Human Soul is defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal (Reference: Dictionary for Oxford Languages)
- Note:
- Human Soul is the Software of a Human
- Hardware vs Software
- Hardware
- Hardware is defined as anything that you can physically touch
- Software
- Software is defined as anything that you cannot physically touch
- How Human Performs Various Real-world Tasks
- Question:
- How a Human performs various Real-world Tasks
- Answer:
- Human Soul and Human Body both co-ordinate and communicate with one another to perform various Real-world Tasks
- Important Note:
- To perform any Real-world Task, we need both
- Software (Human Soul) and
- Hardware (Human Body)
- To perform any Real-world Task, we need both
Real-world Task Performed by a Human
- How a Human Performs a Real-world Task
- Question:
- How a Human performs a Real-world Task?
- Answer:
- To perform any Real-world Task, a Human needs combination of both
- Software (Human Soul) and
- Hardware (Human Body)
- To perform any Real-world Task, a Human needs combination of both
- Hardware (Human Organ(s)) needed by a Human to Perform a Real-world Task
- Question:
- What Hardware (Human Organs) may be used by a Human for Input, Storage, Processing and Output to perform a Real-world Task?
- Answer:
- Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- See (Eyes)
- Listen (Ear)
- Touch (Hands / Feet)
- Smell (Nose)
- Taste (Tongue)
- Hardware (Human Organs) for Storage
- Human Memory
- Hardware (Human Organs) for Processing
- Human Brain
- Hardware (Human Organs) for Output
- Speak (Mouth)
- Write (Hands)
- Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- Role of Software (Human Soul) in Performing a Real-world Task
- Question:
- What is the role of Software (Human Soul) in performing any Real-world Task?
- Answer:
- The main role of Software (Human Soul) is to efficiently manage the communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs) that are used for Input, Storage, Processing and Output to perform a Real-world Task
- How to Efficiently Perform a Real-world Task
- Question:
- How can we efficiently perform a Real-world Task?
- Answer:
- To efficiently perform any Real-world Task, you must have high quality
- Software (Human Soul) and
- Hardware (Human Body)
- To efficiently perform any Real-world Task, you must have high quality
- Steps - How a Human Perform a Real-world Task
- A Human may use following Steps to perform a Real-world Task
- Step 1: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for your Real-world Task
- Step 1.1: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- Data
- Instructions
- Step 1.2: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Storage
- Step 1.3: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Processing
- Step 1.4: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Output
- Step 1.1: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- Step 2: Use Software (Human Soul) for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs)
- Step 2.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Step 2.2: Store Input (Data and Instructions)
- Step 2.3: Process the Data according to Instructions
- Step 2.4: Produce the Output
- Step 2.5: Store the Output
- Step 3: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s)
- Step 1: Identify most suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for your Real-world Task
- Note
- Selection of Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Input and Output may vary from Real-world Task to Real-world Task
- Best and Only Hardware (Human Organ) for Storage is
- Human Memory
- Best and Only Hardware (Human Organ) for Processing is
- Human Brain
- Example – Steps (How a Human Perform a Real-world Task)
- Real-world Task
- Calculate sum of two numbers
- How to perform the Real-world Task?
- Use Manual Approach
- Example – Steps (How a Human Perform a Real-world Task)
- Step 1: Identify the Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs)
- Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organ) for Input
- Human Ear
- Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organ) for Storage
- Human Memory
- Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organ) for Processing
- Human Brain
- Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organ) for Output
- Mouth
- Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organ) for Input
- Step 2: Use Software (Human Soul) for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs)
- Step 2.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Listen (using Human Ear) to Real-world User for Data and Instructions
- Data
- Number 1 = 7
- Number 2 = 10
- Instruction(s)
- Add (+)
- Step 2.2: Store Input (Data and Instructions) in Human Memory
- Step 2.3: Process the Data according to Instructions using Human Brain
- Processing
- 7 + 10
- Step 2.4: Produce the Output
- Output
- 17
- Step 2.5: Store the Output in Human Memory
- Output
- Processing
- Step 2.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Step 3: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s) using Human Mouth (i.e., Speak the Output)
- Sum of 7 and 10 is 17
TODO and Your Turn
Todo Tasks
Your Turn Tasks
Todo Tasks
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
- Task 1
- Calculate Zakat on 1000
- Note
- Amount of Zakat is 5% of the total wealth
- Task 2
- If you give sadqa (صدقہ) 10 in the path of Allah, Allah will give you at least ten times (and there is no upper bound). How much you will get in return from Allah (considering reward of 10 times)
- Task 3
- Samavi read Durood Sharif 1000 times daily. How much will she read in 30 days?
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- Identify what Human Organs will be needed to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Human
- Input
- Output
- Storage
- Processing
- Follow the Steps mentioned in this Chapter to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Human
- Identify what Human Organs will be needed to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Human
- Task 1
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
Your Turn Tasks
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Select any three Real-world Tasks (similar to the ones given in the TODO) and answer the questions given below
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- Identify what Human Organs will be needed to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Human
- Input
- Output
- Storage
- Processing
- Follow the Steps mentioned in this Chapter to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Human
- Identify what Human Organs will be needed to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Human
Mapping Machine to Human to Perform a Real-world Task
- Mapping Machine to Human
- Recall – Ultimate Goal of Automation
- To develop such a Machine which behaves like Human
- Question
- How can we efficiently perform a Real-world Task using a Machine?
- Answer
- To efficiently perform any Real-world Task using a Machine, you must have high quality
- Software and
- Hardware
- To efficiently perform any Real-world Task using a Machine, you must have high quality
- Mapping Machine to Human
- When we manually perform a Real-world Task, we use Software (Human Soul) and Hardware (Human Organs), which Allah has given us (Alhamdulillah)
- Problem
- How can we perform a Real-world Task using a Machine?
- A Possible Solution
- A Three Step Process
- Step 1: Create Electronic Devices (i.e., Hardware), which can be used for Input, Storage, Processing and Output
- Step 2: Develop Set of Instructions (i.e., Software)
- Step 3: Use Software for efficient communication and co-ordination of various Electronic Devices (Hardware) (for Input, Storage, Processing and Output) to perform a Real-world Task
- A Three Step Process
- TIP – To Stay Happy and Blessed 😊
- Allah has blessed us with unlimited blessings
- No one can pay the price of a single Body Organ
- For example, Eyes, Brain, Hands, Ears and many more 😊
- Question
- What is the best medicine to stay happy and blessed?
- Answer
- Thanks to Allah
- Steps - How a Machine Perform a Real-world Task
- A Machine may use following steps to perform a Real-world Task
- Step 1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for your Real-world Task
- Step 1.1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Input
- Data
- Instructions
- Step 1.2: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Storage
- Step 1.3: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Processing
- Step 1.4: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Output
- Step 1.1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Input
- Step 2: Identify most suitable Software for your Real-world Task
- Step 3: Use Software for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs)
- Step 3.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Step 3.2: Store Input (Data and Instructions)
- Step 3.3: Process the Data according to Instructions
- Step 3.4: Produce the Output
- Step 3.5: Store the Output
- Step 4: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s)
- Note
- Selection of Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Input, Storage, Processing and Output may vary from Real-world Task to Real-world Task
- Selection of Most Suitable Software (Set of Instructions) used to ensure efficient communication and co-ordination between Electronic Devices (Hardware) used for Input, Storage, Processing and Output may vary from Real-world Task to Real-world Task
- Example – Steps (How a Machine Perform a Real-world Task)
- Real-world Task
- Calculate sum of two numbers
- How to perform the Real-world Task?
- Use Automatic Approach
- Example – Steps (How a Machine Perform a Real-world Task) Cont...
- Real-world Task
- Calculate sum of two numbers
- How to perform the Real-world Task?
- Use Automatic Approach
- Example – Steps (How a Machine Perform a Real-world Task) Cont...
- Step 1: Identify the Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices)
- Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Input
- Keyboard
- Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Storage
- Hard Disk
- Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Processing
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Output
- Monitor
- Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for Input
- Step 2: Develop a Software to perform the Real-world Task
- Step 3: Use Software for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Electronic Devices)
- Step 3.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Real-world User provides Input (Data and Instructions) using Keyboard (Electronic Device)
- Data
- Number 1 = 7
- Number 2 = 10
- Instruction(s)
- Add (+)
- Step 3.2: Store Input (Data and Instructions) in Hard Disk (Electronic Device)
- Step 3.3: Process the Data according to Instructions using CPU (Electronic Device)
- Processing
- 7 + 10
- Step 3.4: Produce the Output
- Output
- 17
- Step 3.5: Store the Output in Hard Disk (Electronic Device)
- Output
- Processing
- Step 3.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Step 4: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s) using Monitor (Electronic Device)
- Sum of 7 and 10 is 17
- How Many Different Machines are There?
- Question
- How many different Machines are there?
- Answer
- There are many Machines developed for performing various Real-world Tasks
- Chapter Focus
- The focus of this Chapter is on most popular and widely used Machine i.e.
- Computer
TODO and Your Turn
Todo Tasks
Your Turn Tasks
Todo Tasks
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
- Task 1
- Calculate Zakat on 1000
- Note
- Amount of Zakat is 5% of the total wealth
- Task 2
- If you give sadqa (صدقہ) 10 in the path of Allah, Allah will give you at least ten times (and there is no upper bound). How much you will get in return from Allah (considering reward of 10 times)
- Task 3
- Samavi read Durood Sharif 1000 times daily. How much will she read in 30 days?
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- Identify what Electronic Device will be needed to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Input
- Output
- Storage
- Processing
- Follow the Steps mentioned in this Chapter to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Identify what Electronic Device will be needed to perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Task 1
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
Your Turn Tasks
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Select any three Real-world Tasks (similar to the ones given in the TODO) and answer the questions given below
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- Identify what Electronic Device will be needed to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Input
- Output
- Storage
- Processing
- Follow the Steps mentioned in this Chapter to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Identify what Electronic Device will be needed to perform the selected Real-world Tasks by a Machine
- Computer
- Definition
- A Computer is a machine, which takes Data and Instructions as Input and Processes the Data according to Instructions to generate the Output
- Purpose
- To perform various Real-world Tasks (to serve the humanity) accurately and efficiently with low cost
- Importance
- Nowadays, Computers are assisting in a wide range of Real-world Applications to improve the quality of human life
- Applications
- Computers have applications in many different areas including
- Business
- Industry
- Education
- Medical
- Entertainment
- Defense
- And many more 😊
- Strengths
- Computers help us to design and develop automatic / semi-automatic solutions for various Real-world Tasks
- Computers reduce a lot of effort, time and cost in performing a range of Real-world Task
- Automatic / Semi-automatic solutions developed using Computers are assisting Human(s) to perform various Real-world Tasks more accurately and efficiently
- Weaknesses
- Data Security is a major problem when using Computer-based Solutions
- For example, Virus attacks, Hacking attacks etc.
- Data Storage, Data Retrieval and Data Management are also some of the problems that we encounter using Computer-based Solutions, particularly for large organizations
- Excessive use of Computers leads to health issues
- Computer-based Solutions has also resulted in increase in unemployment because Computer-based Solutions are replacing Humans
- Data Security is a major problem when using Computer-based Solutions
- Computers have applications in many different areas including
- Types of Computer
- Based on usage, we may categorize computers into two main categories
- Computers for Individual Users
- Computers for Organizations
- Computers for Individual Users
- Definition
- Computers which are designed to fulfill the needs of only one user at a time are called Computers for Individual Users
- Some of the popular and widely used Computers which are designed and developed for Individual Users are
- Personal Computers
- Workstations
- Notebook Computers
- Tablet Computers
- Handheld Computers
- Smart Phones
- Computers for Organizational Users
- Definition
- Computers which are designed to fulfill the needs of multiple users at a time are called Computers for Organizations
- Some of the popular and widely used Computers which are designed and developed for Organizations are
- Network Servers
- Minicomputers
- Mainframe Computers
- Supercomputers
Computer System
- Computer System
- Definition
- A Computer System mainly comprises of four parts
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Users
- A Computer System mainly comprises of four parts
- Hardware
- Definition
- Hardware is defined as the set of mechanical devices, which make up the Computer
- Characteristics
- Hardware is tangible., you can touch it
- Hardware is onetime expense
- Hardware is dumped
- it cannot be utilized without a Software
- Electronic Device
- Definition
- An Electronic Device (or Device) is a piece of Hardware
- Computer Hardware
- Definition
- Computer Hardware is defined as a set of Electronic Devices, which are interconnected to perform various operations such as Input, Storage, Processing, Output
- Hardware vs Computer Hardware
- Note that the definitions of Hardware and Computer Hardware are different
Types of Hardwares
- Types of Hardware Devices
- The four main types of Hardware Devices are
- Input Devices
- Processing Devices
- Output Devices
- Storage Devices
- Input Devices
- Definition
- Input Devices accept both Data and Instructions for a User or another Computer System
- Some of the popular and widely used Input Devices are
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Camera
- Scanner
- Microphone
- Types of Input Devices
- Some of the main types of Input Devices are as follows
- Trackball and Touchpad
- The trackball and touchpad are variations of the mouse and enable you to draw or point on the Computer Screen
- Joystick
- The joystick is a swiveling lever mounted on a stationary base that is well suited for playing video games
- Scanner
- A scanner can copy a printed page of text or a graphic into the Computer’s Memory
- Digital Camera
- A digital camera can record still images, which you can view and edit on the Computer
- Microphone
- A microphone enables you to input your voice as Data
- Trackball and Touchpad
- Processing Devices
- The main job of a Processing Device it to do Processing
- Processor
- The Processing Device used in a Computer System is called Processor
- Processor
- Processing
- Definition
- Processing is defined as the process which transforms the raw Data into useful Information
- Components involves in Processing
- There are two main components that are used in Processing
- Processor and
- Memory
- Processor
- Definition
- Processor is the Brain of Computer
- A Processor processes Data according to the Set of Instructions to transform the raw Data into useful Information
- Storage Devices
- Definition
- A Storage Device comprises of one or more sets of chips that store Data and/or Instructions, either temporarily or permanently
- Types of Storage Devices
- There are two main types of Storage Devices
- Volatile Storage Device
- Non-volatile Storage Device
- Volatile Storage Device
- Definition
- Volatile Storage Device temporarily stores Data and Instructions and It loses its contents when the Computer is shut off or if there is a power failure
- Examples
- Random Access Memory (RAM)
- System RAM (DRAM)
- Video RAM (VRAM)
- Processor L1 and L2 Cache
- HDD and SSD Disk Cache
- Non-volatile Storage Device
- Definition
- A Non-volatile Storage Device permanently stores Data and Instructions, and It does not lose its contents when the Computer is shut off or if there is a power failure
- Examples
- Hard Disk
- Flash Memory
- Read-only Memory (ROM)
- Ferroelectric RAM
- Optical Disks
- Output Devices
- Definition
- Output Devices are used to display / present the results (to Users), obtained after Processing
- Some of the popular and widely used Output Devices are
- Monitor
- Printer
- Speaker
- Software
- Definition
- Software is defined as a set of instructions, which are given to a Computer Hardware to perform various Real-world Tasks
- Note
- Software is intangible
- You cannot touch it
- Software tells a Computer Hardware
- What to do?
- Software is intangible
- Types of Software
- Two main types of Software are
- System Software
- Application Software
- System Software
- Definition
- System Software is a type of software which is mainly designed to run a Computer’s Hardware and other Application Software’s
- Examples
- Operating Systems (e.g., Windows, Linux, MAC etc.)
- Network Operating Systems
- Utility Systems
- Operating Systems (e.g., Windows, Linux, MAC etc.)
- Application Software
- Definition
- Application Software is a type of Software which is mainly designed to perform a specific Real-world Task
- Examples
- Word Processing Software’s (e.g., MS Word, Open Office)
- Presentations (e.g., MS Power Point)
- Spreadsheets (e.g., MS Excel)
- Games
- Website Design
- Multimedia
- Entertainment
- Graphics
- Data
- Definition
- Data is defined as raw facts and figures
- Information
- Definition
- Processed form of Data is called Information
- Main Job of a Computer System
- The main job of a Computer System it to process Data in such a way, that it converts to useful Information
- User
- Definition
- People who operate a Computer are called Users
- User Roles
- A User may have different Roles including
- Setting up the System
- Installing Software
- Running Programs
- Managing Files
- Maintaining the System
- A User may have different Roles including
Steps - Real-world Task Performed by a Computer System
- Units of a Computer System
- Four main units of a Computer System are
- Input Unit
- Processing Unit
- Output Unit
- Storage Unit
- Steps - Real-world Task Performed by a Computer System
- The following Steps describe how a Real-world Task is performed by a Computer System
- Step 1: Input Unit accepts Data and Instructions from User (or another Computer System) using Input Devices
- Step 1.1: Input Unit sends Data and Instructions to Storage Unit
- Step 2: Storage Unit stores Data and Instructions in the Storage Device
- Step 3: Processing Unit fetches Data and Instructions from Storage Device
- Step 3.1: Processor processes Data according to Instructions to generate Results
- Step 3.2: Processing Unit sends Results to Storage Unit
- Step 4: Storage Unit stores Results in Storage Devices
- Step 5: Output Unit fetches Results from Storage Unit
- Step 5.1: Output Unit displays Results to the User using Output Devices
- Step 1: Input Unit accepts Data and Instructions from User (or another Computer System) using Input Devices
- Steps - Real-world Task Performed by a Computer System Cont...
- Example - Steps - Real-world Task Performed by a Computer System
- Real-world Task
- Calculate the sum of Two Numbers
- Example - Steps - Real-world Task Performed by a Computer System Cont…
- Step 1: User enters the following Data and Instructions from the Keyboard
- Data
- Number 1 = 7
- Number 2 = 10
- Instructions
- Add (+)
- Step 1.1: Data and Instructions are send to Storage Unit
- Step 1.1.1: Data and Instructions are stored in Hard Disk
- Step 1.2: Process the Data according to Instructions using CPU
- Processing
- 7 + 10
- Step 1.3: Produce the Output
- Output
- 17
- Step 1.4: Store the Output in Hard Disk
- Output
- Processing
- Data
TODO and Your Turn
Todo Tasks
Your Turn Tasks
Todo Tasks
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
- Task 1
- Calculate Zakat on 1000
- Note
- Amount of Zakat is 5% of the total wealth
- Task 2
- If you give sadqa (صدقہ) 10 in the path of Allah, Allah will give you at least ten times (and there is no upper bound). How much you will get in return from Allah (considering reward of 10 times)
- Task 3
- Samavi read Durood Sharif 1000 times daily. How much will she read in 30 days?
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- How will you perform the above-mentioned Real-world Tasks using a Computer Systems?
- Task 1
- Consider the following three Real-world Tasks and answer the questions given below
Your Turn Tasks
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Select any three Real-world Tasks (similar to the ones given in the TODO) and answer the questions given below
- Note
- Your answers should be
- Well Justified
- Your answers should be
- Questions
- How will you perform the selected Real-world Tasks using a Computer Systems?
Chapter Summary
- Chapter Summary
In this Chapter, I presented the following main concepts:
- A Real-world Task is defined as a piece of work to be done or undertaken with an intention to please Allah
- Three main approaches to perform a Real-world Task are
- Manual Approach
- Automatic Approach
- Semi-automatic Approach
- To perform a Real-world Task, we need four main components
- Input
- Data
- Instruction(s)
- Storage
- Processing
- Output
- Input
- A Human may use following Steps to perform a Real-world Task
- Step 1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for your Real-world Task
- Step 1.1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- Data
- Instructions
- Step 1.2: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Storage
- Step 1.3: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Processing
- Step 1.4: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Output
- Step 1.1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for Input
- Step 2: Use Software (Human Soul) for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs)
- Step 2.1: Take Input from Real-world User
- Step 2.2: Store Input (Data and Instructions)
- Step 2.3: Process the Data according to Instructions
- Step 2.4: Produce the Output
- Step 2.5: Store the Output
- Step 3: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s)
- Step 1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Human Organs) for your Real-world Task
- A Machine may use following steps to perform a Real-world Task
- Step 1: Identify Most Suitable Hardware (Electronic Devices) for your Real-world Task
- Step 2: Identify most suitable Software for your Real-world Task
- Step 3: Use Software for communication and co-ordination of various Hardware Components (Human Organs)
- Step 4: Present the Output to the Real-world User(s)
- A Computer is a machine, which takes Data and Instructions as Input and Processes the Data according to Instructions to generate the Output
- Based on usage, we may categorize computers into two main categories
- Computers for Individual Users
- Computers for Organizations
- A Computer System mainly comprises of four parts
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Users
- The four main types of Hardware Devices are
- Input Devices
- Processing Devices
- Output Devices
- Storage Devices
- Two main types of Software are
- System Software
- Application Software
- The main job of a Computer System it to process Data in such a way, that it converts to useful Information
- Four main units of a Computer System are
- Input Unit
- Processing Unit
- Output Unit
- Storage Unit
- The following Steps describe how a Real-world Task is performed by a Computer System
- Step 1: Input Unit accepts Data and Instructions form User (or another Computer System) using Input Devices
- Step 1.1: Input Unit sends Data and Instructions to Storage Unit
- Step 2: Storage Unit stores Data and Instructions in the Storage Device
- Step 3: Processing Unit fetches Data and Instructions from Storage Device
- Step 3.1: Processor processes Data according to Instructions to generate Results
- Step 3.2: Processing Unit sends Results to Storage Unit
- Step 4: Storage Unit stores Results in Storage Devices
- Step 5: Output Unit fetches Results from Storage Unit
- Step 5.1: Output Unit displays Results to the User using Output Devices
- Step 1: Input Unit accepts Data and Instructions form User (or another Computer System) using Input Devices
In Next Chapter
- In Next Chapter
- In Sha Allah, in the next Chapter, I will present a detailed discussion on
- Main concepts related to Computer Programming