Chapter 32 - Dictionaries in Python
- Authors
- Ms. Samavi Salman
- Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab
- Supporting Material
Quick Recap
- Quick Recap – Lists in Python
In previous Chapter, I presented
- List
- A List is defined as an ordered collection of items, which may or may not have same data types
- List Declaration
- A List can be declared using two methods
- Method 1: Use []
- Method 2: Use list() Function
- A List can be declared using two methods
- List Initialization
- There are two methods to initialize a List
- Method 1: Use []
- Method 2: Use list() Function
- There are two methods to initialize a List
- Accessing Elements of a List
- There are three methods to access element(s) of a List
- Method 1 – Access Element(s) of a List using Indexing
- Method 2 – Access Element(s) of a List using Negative Indexing
- Method 3 – Access Element(s) of a List using Slicing
- There are three methods to access element(s) of a List
- Operations on List
- Operation 1 – Creation
- Operation 2 – Insertion
- Operation 3 – Traversal
- Operation 4 – Searching
- Operation 5 – Sorting
- Operation 6 – Merging
- Operation 7 – Updation
- Operation 8 – Deletion
- List Comprehension
- List Comprehension provides a short and simple way to create a new List based on the values of an existing interrable (tuple, set, list etc.)
- Nested List
- A Nest List is a list of list(s)
- Lambda Function
- In Python, a Lambda Function is an anonymous function that is defined without a name
- Dictionary
- Definition 1
- In Python, Dictionary is a data structure which stores data as a set of unique identifiers, each of which have an associated value
- This Data Pairing is called key-value pair
- key
- The unique identifier is called the key for an item of data
- value
- A value is either the data being identified or the location of that data
- In Python, Dictionary is a data structure which stores data as a set of unique identifiers, each of which have an associated value
- Definition 2
- A Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs
- Note
- In each key-value pair, the kay is mapped to its associated value.
- Data Type – key
- A Dictionary key can be almost any Python Object, but
- Mostly Strings and Numbers are used keys
- A Dictionary key can be almost any Python Object, but
- Data Type – value
- A Dictionary value can be any arbitrary Python Object
- Purpose
- The main purpose of a Dictionary is to easily and quickly
- store, retrieve, and manipulate complex data
- The main purpose of a Dictionary is to easily and quickly
- Ordered Dictionary vs Unordered Dictionary
- Ordered Dictionary
- In an Ordered Dictionary, items have a defined order, which cannot be changed
- Unordered Dictionary
- In an Unordered Dictionary, items do not a defined order
Declaring a Dictionary
- Dictionary Declaration
- A Dictionary can be declared using two methods
- Method 1: Use {}
- Method 2: Use dict() Function
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present both methods in detail
- Syntax - Method 1 (Use {})
- The Syntax to declare a Dictionary using {} is as follows
: ,
: ,
: ,
: ,
: ,
- Syntax – Method 2 (Use dict() Function)
- The Syntax to declare a Dictionary using dict() Built in Function is as follows
LIST_NAME = list([
Declaring an Empty Dictionary
- Declaring an Empty Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in the next Slides, I will show how to declare an Empty Dictionary using the following two Methods
- Method 1: Use {}
- Method 2: Use dict() Built in Function
- Example 1 – Declaring an Empty Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Declaring an Empty Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to declare an empty dictionary using {} and dict() Function
# Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}
print("---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}---")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary
tomb_of_sahaba_1 = {}
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", tomb_of_sahaba_1)
# Display Data-Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", type(tomb_of_sahaba_1))
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", len(tomb_of_sahaba_1))
print("Error Occurred")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 2: Use dict() Function
print("---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Use dict() Function---")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary
tomb_of_sahaba_2 = dict()
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", tomb_of_sahaba_2)
# Display Data-Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", type(tomb_of_sahaba_2))
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", len(tomb_of_sahaba_2))
print("Error Occurred")
---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}---
Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_1: {}
Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_1:
Length of tomb_of_sahaba_1: 0
---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Use dict() Function---
Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_2: {}
Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_2:
Length of tomb_of_sahaba_2: 0
- Example 2 – Declaring an Empty Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Declaring an Empty Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to declare an empty dictionary using {} and dict() Function
# Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}
print("---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}---")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary
products_1 = {}
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of products_1:", products_1)
# Display Data-Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of products_1:", type(products_1))
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of products_1:", len(products_1))
print("Error Occurred")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 2: Use dict() Function
print("---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Use dict() Function---")
# Declare an Empty Dictionary
products_2 = dict()
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of products_2:", products_2)
# Display Data-Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of products_2:", type(products_2))
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of products_2:", len(products_2))
print("Error Occurred")
---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Method 1: Use {}---
Data Values of products_1: {}
Data-Type of products_1:
Length of products_1: 0
---Declare an Empty Dictionary - Use dict() Function---
Data Values of products_2: {}
Data-Type of products_2:
Length of products_2: 0
Initializing a Dictionary
- Initializing a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in the next Slides, I will show how to initialize a Dictionary using the following two Methods
- Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
- Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
- Suitable to Use - Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
- Question
- When it is suitable to build a complete Dictionary?
- Answer
- When we know all the key-value pairs in advance
- Suitable to Use - Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
- Question
- When it is suitable to build a Dictionary incrementally?
- Answer
- When we do not know all the key-value pairs in advance and want to build a Dictionary on fly
Initializing a Dictionary - Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
- Initializing a Dictionary - Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, I will build a complete dictionary using two Approaches
- Approach 01: Use {}
- Approach 02: Use dict() Built in Function
- Example 1 – Initializing a Dictionary - Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Initialize a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to initialize a complete dictionary and display its content (data values) on the Output Screen
# Dictionary Initialization - Method 1: Use {}
print("---Dictionary Initialization - Use {}---")
tomb_of_sahaba_1 = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", tomb_of_sahaba_1)
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", len(tomb_of_sahaba_1))
# Display Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_1:", type(tomb_of_sahaba_1))
print("Error Occurred")
# Dictionary Initialization - Method 2: Use dict() Function
print("---Dictionary Initialization – Use dict() Function---")
tomb_of_sahaba_2 = dict({'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'})
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", tomb_of_sahaba_2)
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", len(tomb_of_sahaba_2))
# Display Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_2:", type(tomb_of_sahaba_2))
print("Error Occurred")
---Dictionary Initialization - Use {}---
Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_1: {' Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
Length of tomb_of_sahaba_1: 6
Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_1:
---Dictionary Initialization – Use dict() Function---
Data Values of tomb_of_sahaba_2: {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
Length of tomb_of_sahaba_2: 6
Data-Type of tomb_of_sahaba_2:
- Example 2 – Initializing a Dictionary - Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Initialize a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to initialize a complete dictionary and display its content (data values) on the Output Screen
# Dictionary Initialization - Method 1: Use {}
print("---Dictionary Initialization - Use {}---")
products_1 = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of products_1:", products_1)
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of products_1:",len(products_1))
# Display Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of products_1:",type(products_1))
print("Error Occurred")
print("---Initialize a Dictionary - Method 2: dict()---")
# Dictionary Initialization - Method 2: Use dict() Function
products_2 = dict({'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75})
# Display Data Values of a Dictionary
print("Data Values of products_2:", products_2)
# Display Length of a Dictionary using len() Function
print("Length of products_2:",len(products_2))
# Display Type of a Dictionary using type() Function
print("Data-Type of products_2:",type(products_2))
print("Error Occurred")
---Dictionary Initialization - Use {}---
Data Values of products_1: {'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
Length of products_1: 6
Data-Type of products_1:
---Initialize a Dictionary - Method 2: dict()---
Data Values of products_2: {'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
Length of products_2: 6
Data-Type of products_2:
Initializing a Dictionary - Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
- Initializing a Dictionary - Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
- In Sha Allah, to Build a Dictionary Incrementally (using {} Approach), we will follow a Two Step Process
- Step 01: Declare an Empty Dictionary using {}
- Step 02: Add Elements (key-value pairs) in the Dictionary (created in Step 1) as they become available
- Example 1 – Initializing a Dictionary - Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Initialize a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to initialize a dictionary incrementally and display its content (data values) on the Output Screen
# Dictionary Initialization using {}
print("---Initialize a Dictionary - Use {}---")
tomb_of_sahaba = {}
# Before Adding Elements in Dictionary
print("Before Adding Elements in Dictionary \n", tomb_of_sahaba)
# Building a Dictionary Incrementally
tomb_of_sahaba['Shaddad bin Aus'] = 'Jerusalem'
tomb_of_sahaba['Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)'] = 'Turkey',
tomb_of_sahaba['Bilal (R.A.)'] = 'Damascus' ,
tomb_of_sahaba['Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)'] = 'Syria',
tomb_of_sahaba['Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)'] = 'Istanbul',
tomb_of_sahaba['Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)'] = 'China',
tomb_of_sahaba['Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)'] = 'Jerusalem'
# After Adding Elements in Dictionary
print("After Adding Elements in Dictionary \n", tomb_of_sahaba)
print("Error Occurred")
---Initialize a Dictionary - Use {}---
Before Adding Elements in Dictionary
After Adding Elements in Dictionary
{'Shaddad bin Aus': 'Jerusalem', 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': ('Turkey',), 'Bilal (R.A.)': ('Damascus',), 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': ('Syria',), 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': ('Istanbul',), 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': ('China',), 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
- Example 2 – Initializing a Dictionary - Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Initialize a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to initialize a dictionary incrementally and display its content (data values) on the Output Screen
# Dictionary Initialization using {}
print("---Initialize a Dictionary - Use {}---")
products = {}
# Before Adding Elements in Dictionary
print("Before Adding Elements in Dictionary \n", products)
# Building a Dictionary Incrementally
products['Milk'] = 150.15,
products['Honey'] = 900.25,
products['Dates'] = 700.55,
products['Olive Oil'] = 3000.7,
products['Almond'] = 1000.2,
products['Pumpkin'] = 60.75,
products['Grapes'] = 150.12
# After Adding Elements in Dictionary
print("After Adding Elements in Dictionary \n", products)
print("Error Occurred")
---Initialize a Dictionary - Use {}---
Before Adding Elements in Dictionary
After Adding Elements in Dictionary
{'Milk': (150.15,), 'Honey': (900.25,), 'Dates': (700.55,), 'Olive Oil': (3000.7,), 'Almond': (1000.2,), 'Pumpkin': (60.75,), 'Grapes': 150.12}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Declare and Initialize a Dictionary called phone_dir using the {} and dict() Function?
- Note
- The key-value pair of a Dictionary are as follows
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
- The key-value pair of a Dictionary are as follows
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Spiritual Training Courses’: [‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Declare and Initialize a Dictionary (similar to the one given in TODO Task 1) using the {} and dict() Function?
Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Accessing Elements of a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present two methods to access element(s) of a Dictionary
- Method 1 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- Method 2 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
- Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- To access dictionary elements, square brackets along with the key is used to obtain its value
- Syntax - Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- get() Function
- Function Name
- get()
- Definition
- The get() method returns the value of the item with the specified key.
- Purpose
- The main purpose of get() built-in Function is to
- get the value against a particular key
- The main purpose of get() built-in Function is to
dict.get(key, default = None)
Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- Example 1 - Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using key name
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys---")
print("products['Olive Oil']:",products['Olive Oil'])
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys---
products['Milk']: 150.15
products['Honey']: 900.25
products['Dates']: 700.55
products['Olive Oil']: 3000.7
products['Almond']: 1000.2
products['Pumpkin']: 60.75
- Example 2 - Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using key name
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,
'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys---")
print(tomb_of_sahaba[' Ayub Ansari (R.A.)'])
print(tomb_of_sahaba['Bilal (R.A.)'])
print(tomb_of_sahaba['Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)'])
print(tomb_of_sahaba['Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)'])
print(tomb_of_sahaba['Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)'])
print(tomb_of_sahaba['Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)'])
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using Keys---
Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
- Example 1 - Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using get() Function
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function---")
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)'))
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Bilal (R.A.)'))
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)'))
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)'))
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)'))
print(tomb_of_sahaba.get('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)'))
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function---
- Example 2 - Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using get() Function
# Initialize Dictionary
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function---")
print(products.get('Olive Oil'))
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() Function---
Access List of keys in a Dictionary
- Accessing Elements of a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present a method to access element(s) of a Dictionary
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- key() Function
- Function Name
- key()
- Definition
- The keys() method returns a view object. The view object contains the keys of the dictionary, as a list
- Purpose
- The main purpose of key() built-in Function is to
- returns all keys from a Dictionary
- The main purpose of key() built-in Function is to
- Syntax
- values() Function
- Function Name
- values()
- Definition
- The values() method returns a view object. The view object contains the values of the dictionary, as a list
- Purpose
- The main purpose of values() built-in Function is to
- returns all values from a Dictionary
- The main purpose of values() built-in Function is to
- Syntax
Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Example 1 - Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access List of Keys in a Dictionary using key() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access list of keys in a dictionary using key() function
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function---
dict_keys(['Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Bilal (R.A.)', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)'])
- Example 2 - Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access List of Keys in a Dictionary using key() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access list of keys in a dictionary using key() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key() Function---
dict_keys(['Milk', 'Honey', 'Dates', 'Olive Oil', 'Almond', 'Pumpkin'])
Access List of values in a Dictionary
- Access List of values in a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present a method to access element(s) of a Dictionary
- Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
- Example 1 - Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using values() function
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function---
dict_values(['Turkey', 'Damascus', 'Syria', 'Istanbul', 'China', 'Jerusalem'])
- Example 2 - Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access element(s) of a dictionary using values() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function
print("---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using values() Function---
dict_values([150.15, 900.25, 700.55, 3000.7, 1000.2, 60.75])
Operations on Lists
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Access Elements of the phone_dir and courses Dictionaries suing
- Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Method 1 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- Method 2 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Access List of values in a Dictionary
- Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
- Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Access Elements of the phone_dir and courses Dictionaries suing
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Access Elements of the phone_dir and courses Dictionaries suing
- Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Method 1 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- Method 2 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Access List of values in a Dictionary
- Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
- Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Access Elements of the phone_dir and courses Dictionaries suing
Operations on Dictionaries
Operation 1 – Creation
- Methods to Create a Dictionary
- I have already presented methods to create a Dictionary in the previous Section e.,
- Dictionary Initialization
Operation 2 – Insertion
Methods to Add Element(s) in a Dictionary
- Methods to Add Element(s) in a List
- Dictionaries have no order, and thus have no beginning or end. The order is arbitrary. So, in order to add Element(s) in a Dictionary, convert Dictionary to a List using items()
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present three methods to add element(s) in a Dictionary
- Method 1 – Add New Element(s) at the Start of a Dictionary
- Method 2 – Add New Element(s) at the End of a Dictionary
- Method 3 – Add New Element(s) at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
- Item() Function
- Function Name
- item()
- Definition
- The items() method returns a view object. The view object contains the key-value pairs of the dictionary, as tuples in a list
- Purpose
- The main purpose of item() built-in Function is to
- Convert dictionary to a list
- The main purpose of item() built-in Function is to
Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
- Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in the next Slides, we will show how to Add New Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary using
- insert() Built-in Function
- Example 1 – Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary – Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add a new element at the start of a Dictionary on the output screen
print("---Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_tomb_of_sahaba = list(tomb_of_sahaba.items())
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(0, ('Hazrat Abu Derda','Turkey'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("---Again Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(0, ('Hazrat Abu Seyb el-Hudri','Turkey'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
[('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey'), ('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
---Again Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
[('Hazrat Abu Seyb el-Hudri', 'Turkey'), ('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey'), ('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
- Example 2 – Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary – Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add a new element at the start of a Dictionary on the output screen
print("---Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_products = list(products.items())
# Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_products.insert(0, ('grapes','500.35'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("---Again Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_products.insert(0, ('banana','100.95'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
[('grapes', '500.35'), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
---Again Add a Single Element at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary---
[('banana', '100.95'), ('grapes', '500.35'), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
Add Multiple Elements at the Start of a Dictionary
- Example 1 – Add Multiple Elements at the Start of a Dictionary – Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add Multiple Elements at the Start of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to add multiple elements at the start of a dictionary
print("---Add a Multiple Elements at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_tomb_of_sahaba = list(tomb_of_sahaba.items())
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(0, ('Hazrat Abu Derda','Turkey'))
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(0, ('Hazrat Abu Seyb el-Hudri','Turkey'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Multiple Elements at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---
[('Hazrat Abu Seyb el-Hudri', 'Turkey'), ('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey'), ('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
- Example 2 – Add Multiple Elements at the Start of a Dictionary – Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add Multiple Elements at the Start of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to add multiple elements at the start of a dictionary
print("---Add a Multiple Elements at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_products = list(products.items())
# Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_products.insert(0, ('grapes','500.35'))
list_products.insert(0, ('banana','100.95'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at Start of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Multiple Elements at Start of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at Start of a Dictionary---
[('banana', '100.95'), ('grapes', '500.35'), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
- Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in the next Slides, we will show how to Add New Element(s) at End of a Dictionary using
- append() Built-in Function
- Example 1 – Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary – Using append() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add a new element at the end of a dictionary
print("---Add a Single Element at End of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_tomb_of_sahaba = list(tomb_of_sahaba.items())
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using append() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.append(('Hazrat Abu Derda','Turkey'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Single Element at End of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---
[('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'), ('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey')]
- Example 2 – Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary – Using append() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add a new element at the end of a dictionary
print("---Add a Single Element at End of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_products = list(products.items())
# Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using append() Function
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add a Single Element at End of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element at End of a Dictionary---
[('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75), ('grapes', '500.35')]
Add Multiple Elements at the End of a Dictionary
- Example 1 – Add Multiple Elements at the End of a Dictionary – Using append() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add Multiple Elements at the End of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add multiple elements at the end of a Dictionary
print("---Add Multiple Elements at End of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_tomb_of_sahaba = list(tomb_of_sahaba.items())
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using append() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.append(('Hazrat Abu Derda','Turkey'))
list_tomb_of_sahaba.append(('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add Multiple Elements at End of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China'}
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---
[('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
- Example 2 – Add Multiple Elements at the End of a Dictionary – Using append() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add Multiple Elements at the End of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add multiple elements at the end of a Dictionary
print("---Add Multiple Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---")
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "list_tomb_of_sahaba"
list_products = list(products.items())
# Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at Start of a Dictionary using append() Function
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add Multiple Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s) at End of a Dictionary---
[('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75), ('grapes', '500.35')]
Add New Element(s) at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
- Add New Element(s) at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in the next Slides, we will show how to add new element to the Desired Location of a Dictionary using
- insert() Built-in Function
- Example 1 – Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary - Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to add a new element at a desired location of a Dictionary on the output screen
print("---Add Element at Desired Location of a Dictionary---")
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s)---")
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "tomb_of_sahaba"
list_tomb_of_sahaba = list(tomb_of_sahaba.items())
# Data Type of i.e., tomb_of_sahaba after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at desired location of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(3,('Hazrat Abu Derda','Turkey'))
list_tomb_of_sahaba.insert(6,('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add Element at Desired Location of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s)---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China'}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)---
[('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Abu Derda', 'Turkey'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
- Example 2 – Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary – Using insert() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 29-Jun-2022
end_data = 3-Jul-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to add a new element at a desired location of a Dictionary on the output screen
print("---Add Element at Desired Location of a Dictionary---")
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s)---")
# Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---")
# Converting a Dictionary into a List and store list in "products"
list_products = list(products.items())
# Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List
print("---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---")
# Add Data Value at desired location of a Dictionary using insert() Function
list_products.insert(5, ('banana','100.95'))
# Display Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)
print("---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Add Element at Desired Location of a Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Adding Element(s)---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Data Type of i.e., products before converting to List---
---Data Type of i.e., products after converting to List---
---Updated Dictionary after Adding Element(s)---
[('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('grapes', '500.35'), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('banana', '100.95'), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Questions
- Insert Elements to prophets and ages Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1 – Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
- Method 2 – Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
- Method 3 – Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
- Insert Elements to prophets and ages Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Insert Elements to selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1 – Add a New Element at the Start of a Dictionary
- Method 2 – Add a New Element at the End of a Dictionary
- Method 3 – Add a New Element at a Desired Location of a Dictionary
- Insert Elements to selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 3 – Traverse
- Methods to Traverse a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present three methods to traverse a Dictionary
- Method 1: Traverse through all keys
- Method 2: Traverse through all values
- Method 3: Traverse through all key, value pairs
Traverse through all keys
- Example 1 - Traverse through all keys
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all keys
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all keys and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul',
'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Traverse through all keys
print("---Traverse through all Keys---")
for tombs in tomb_of_sahaba:
print('Error Occurred')
[' Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A.', 'Hazrat Umar.e.Farooq R.A.', 'Hazrat Usman.e.Ghani R.A.', 'Hazrat Ali ul Murtaza R.A.']---Traverse through all Keys---
Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)
Bilal (R.A.)
Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)
Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)
Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)
- Example 2 - Traverse through all keys
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all keys
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all keys and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Traverse through all keys
print("---Traverse through all Keys---")
for product in products:
print('Error Occurred')
---Traverse through all Keys---
Olive Oil
Traverse through all Values
- Example 1 - Traverse through all Values
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all values
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all values and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Traverse through all keys
print("---Traverse through all Values---")
for tombs in tomb_of_sahaba.values():
print('Error Occurred')
---Traverse through all Values---
- Example 2 - Traverse through all Values
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all values
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all values and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Traverse through all Values
print("---Traverse through all Values---")
for product in products.values():
print('Error Occurred')
---Traverse through all Values---
Traverse through all key, value pairs
- Example 1 - Traverse through all key, value pairs
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all key, value pairs
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all key, value pairs and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Traverse through all key, value pairs
print("---Traverse through all key, value pairs---")
for tombs in tomb_of_sahaba.items():
print('Error Occurred')
---Traverse through all key, value pairs---
('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey')
('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus')
('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria')
('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul')
('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China')
('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')
- Example 2 - Traverse through all key, value pairs
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traverse through all key, value pairs
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to traverse through all key, value pairs and display the result on the output screen
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Traverse through all key, value pairs
print("---Traverse through all key, value pairs---")
for product in products.items():
print('Error Occurred')
---Traverse through all key, value pairs---
('Milk', 150.15)
('Honey', 900.25)
('Dates', 700.55)
('Olive Oil', 3000.7)
('Almond', 1000.2)
('Pumpkin', 60.75)
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
courses = { ‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Spiritual Training Courses’: [‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’] }
- Questions
- Traverse selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Traversing an Entire Dictionary
- Method 2: Traversing a Dictionary (Element by Element)
- Traverse selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Traverse selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Traversing an Entire Dictionary
- Method 2: Traversing a Dictionary (Element by Element)
- Traverse selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 4 – Searching
- Methods to Search Character from a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present two methods to search a Dictionary
- Method 1: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
- Method 2: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using value
- Example 1 – Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Search Element(s) using Key
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to search element(s) using key
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,
'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Search Value using Key from a Dictionary
print ("Value against 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : "+ tomb_of_sahaba.get('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)'))
print ("Value against Bilal (R.A.): " + tomb_of_sahaba.get('Bilal (R.A.)')) except:
print('Error Occurred')
Value against 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : China
Value against Bilal (R.A.): Damascus
- Example 2 – Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Search Element(s) using Key
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to search element(s) using key
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Search Value using Key from a Dictionary
print ("Value against Pumpkin: ", products.get('Pumpkin'))
print ("Value against Olive Oil: " , products.get('Olive Oil'))
print('Error Occurred')
Value against Pumpkin: 60.75
Value against Olive Oil: 3000.7
Search by Value
- Example 1 – Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using Value
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Search Element(s) using Value
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to search element(s) using value
# Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()
tomb_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', "Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqās (R.A.)" : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()---")
# Store all Keys from the Dictionary in the Variable i.e., key_list
key_list = list(tomb_of_sahaba.keys())
print("Keys in the Dictionary:", key_list)
# Store all Values from the Dictionary in the Variable i.e., val_list
val_list = list(tomb_of_sahaba.values())
print("Values in the Dictionary:", val_list)
# Store Index of Value 'China' in a Variable i.e., position
position_China = val_list.index('China')
# Display the Key with Value 'China'
print("Key against Value 'China':",key_list[position_China])
# Store Index of Value 'Syria' in a Variable i.e., position
position_Syria = val_list.index('Syria')
# Display the Key with Value 'Syria'
print("Key against Value 'Syria':",key_list[position_Syria])
# Approach II - Using OneLiner
print("---Approach II - Using OneLiner---")
print("Key against Value 'China':",list(tomb_of_sahaba.keys())[list(tomb_of_sahaba.values()).index('China')])
print("Key against Value 'Syria':",list(tomb_of_sahaba.keys())[list(tomb_of_sahaba.values()).index('Syria')])
except Exception as ex:
---Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()---
Keys in the Dictionary: ['Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Bilal (R.A.)', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', "Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqās (R.A.)", 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)']
Values in the Dictionary: ['Turkey', 'Damascus', 'Syria', 'Istanbul', 'China', 'Jerusalem']
Key against Value 'China': Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqās (R.A.)
Key against Value 'Syria': Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)
---Approach II - Using OneLiner---
Key against Value 'China': Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqās (R.A.)
Key against Value 'Syria': Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)
- Example 2 – Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using Value
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Search Element(s) using Value
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to search element(s) using value
# Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.70, 'Almond':1000.20, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()---")
# Store all Keys from the Dictionary in the Variable i.e., key_list
key_list = list(products.keys())
print("Keys in the Dictionary:", key_list)
# Store all Values from the Dictionary in the Variable i.e., val_list
val_list = list(products.values())
print("Values in the Dictionary:", val_list)
# Store Index of Value '700.55' in a Variable i.e., position
position_1 = val_list.index(700.55)
# Display the Key with Value '700.55'
print("Key against Value '700.55':",key_list[position_1])
# Store Index of Value '3000.70' in a Variable i.e., position
position_2 = val_list.index(3000.70)
# Display the Key with Value '3000.70'
print("Key against Value '3000.70':",key_list[position_2])
# Approach II - Using OneLiner
print("---Approach II - Using OneLiner---")
print("Key against Value '700.55':",list(products.keys())[list(products.values()).index(700.55)])
print("Key against Value '3000.70':",list(products.keys())[list(products.values()).index(3000.70)])
except Exception as ex:
---Approach I - Using Keys(), Values() and index()---
Keys in the Dictionary: ['Milk', 'Honey', 'Dates', 'Olive Oil', 'Almond', 'Pumpkin']
Values in the Dictionary: [150.15, 900.25, 700.55, 3000.7, 1000.2, 60.75]
Key against Value '700.55': Dates
Key against Value '3000.70': Olive Oil
---Approach II - Using OneLiner---
Key against Value '700.55': Dates
Key against Value '3000.70': Olive Oil
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Questions
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
- Method 2: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using value
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
- Method 2: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using value
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 5 – Sorting
- Methods to Sorting a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present three methods of sorting a Dictionary
- Method 1: Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
- Method 2: Sorting a Dictionary by key
- Method 2.1: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
- Method 2.2: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
- Method 3: Sorting a Dictionary by value
- Method 3.1: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
- Method 3.2: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
- Example 1 - Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sort a dictionary by key-value pair
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7,'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_products"
dict_products = products.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_products)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Almond', 1000.2), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
- Example 2 - Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sort a dictionary by key-value pair
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_tombs_of_sahaba"
dict_tombs_of_sahaba = tombs_of_sahaba.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_tombs_of_sahaba)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
- Example 1 - Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by key in ascending order
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_tombs_of_sahaba"
dict_tombs_of_sahaba = tombs_of_sahaba.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
# Sort Dictionary in Ascending Order using reverse = False
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_tombs_of_sahaba, reverse = False)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem')]
- Example 2 - Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by key in ascending order
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7,'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_products"
dict_products = products.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
# Sort Dictionary in Ascending Order using reverse = False
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_products, reverse = False)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Almond', 1000.2), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
- Example 1 - Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by key in descending order
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' , 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_tombs_of_sahaba"
dict_tombs_of_sahaba = tombs_of_sahaba.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
# Sort Dictionary in Descending Order using reverse = True
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_tombs_of_sahaba, reverse = True)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey')]
- Example 2 - Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by key in descending order
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7,'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Store key-value pair of a Dictionary using items() in Variable "dict_products"
dict_products = products.items()
# Sort Dictionary based on keys using sorted() Function
# Sort Dictionary in Descending Order using reverse = True
sorted_dictionary = sorted(dict_products, reverse = True)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Pumpkin', 60.75), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Almond', 1000.2)]
Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
- Example 1 - Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by Value in Ascending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by value in ascending order
# Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7,'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Sort our dictionary by value using lambda Function
sort_orders = sorted(products.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
# Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'
print("---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
for w in sorted(products, key = products.get, reverse = False):
print(w, products[w])
print("Error Occurred")
---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Pumpkin', 60.75), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Olive Oil', 3000.7)]
---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
Olive Oil 3000.7
Almond 1000.2
Honey 900.25
Dates 700.55
Milk 150.15
Pumpkin 60.75
- Example 2 - Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by Value in Ascending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by value in ascending order
# Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Sort our dictionary by value using lambda Function
sort_orders = sorted(tombs_of_sahaba.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
# Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'
print("---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
for w in sorted(tombs_of_sahaba, key = tombs_of_sahaba.get, reverse = False):
print(w, tombs_of_sahaba[w])
print("Error Occurred")
---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey')]
---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.) China
Bilal (R.A.) Damascus
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.) Istanbul
Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.) Jerusalem
Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.) Syria
Ayub Ansari (R.A.) Turkey
Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
- Example 1 - Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by Value in Descending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by value in descending order
# Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7,'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Sort our dictionary by value using lambda Function
sort_orders = sorted(products.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
# Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'
print("---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
for w in sorted(products, key = products.get, reverse = True):
print(w, products[w])
print("Error Occurred")
---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Olive Oil', 3000.7), ('Almond', 1000.2), ('Honey', 900.25), ('Dates', 700.55), ('Milk', 150.15), ('Pumpkin', 60.75)]
---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
Olive Oil 3000.7
Almond 1000.2
Honey 900.25
Dates 700.55
Milk 150.15
Pumpkin 60.75
- Example 2 - Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Sorting a Dictionary by Value in Descending Order
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to sorting a dictionary by value in descending order
# Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
# Sort our dictionary by value using lambda Function
sort_orders = sorted(tombs_of_sahaba.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
# Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'
print("---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Sorting---")
print("---New Dictionary after Sorting---")
for w in sorted(tombs_of_sahaba, key = tombs_of_sahaba.get, reverse = True):
print(w, tombs_of_sahaba[w])
print("Error Occurred")
---Approach I - Sort Dictionary using Lambda Function---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
[('Ayub Ansari (R.A.)', 'Turkey'), ('Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)', 'Syria'), ('Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)', 'Jerusalem'), ('Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)', 'Istanbul'), ('Bilal (R.A.)', 'Damascus'), ('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)', 'China')]
---Approach II - Sort Dictionary using 'get'---
---Original Dictionary before Sorting---
{'Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Sorting---
Ayub Ansari (R.A.) Turkey
Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.) Syria
Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.) Jerusalem
Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.) Istanbul
Bilal (R.A.) Damascus
Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.) China
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = { ‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’], ‘Human Engineering’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
- ‘Spiritual Training Courses’: [‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Sort the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
- Method 2: Sorting a Dictionary by key
- Method 2.1: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
- Method 2.2: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
- Method 3: Sorting a Dictionary by value
- Method 3.1: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
- Method 3.2: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
- Sort the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Sort the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Sorting a Dictionary by key-value pair
- Method 2: Sorting a Dictionary by key
- Method 2.1: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Ascending Order
- Method 2.2: Sorting a Dictionary by key in Descending Order
- Method 3: Sorting a Dictionary by value
- Method 3.1: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Ascending Order
- Method 3.2: Sorting a Dictionary by value in Descending Order
- Sort the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 6 – Merging
- Methods of Merging Dictionaries
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present two methods to merge / concatenate Dictionaries
- Method 1: Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
- Method 2: Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operators
Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
- Example 1 – Concatenate Lists - Using + Operator
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to concatenate dictionaries using update() function
dict1_tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China','Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
dict2_tombs_of_sahaba = {
'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Abu Darda (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Merge---")
print("dict1_tombs_of_sahaba", dict1_tombs_of_sahaba)
print("dict2_tombs_of_sahaba", dict2_tombs_of_sahaba)
# Use update() Function to merge two Dictionaries
print("---New Dictionary after Merge---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Merge---
dict1_tombs_of_sahaba {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
dict2_tombs_of_sahaba {'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Abu Darda (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul'}
---New Dictionary after Merge---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem', 'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Abu Darda (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul'}
- Example 2 - Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to concatenate dictionaries using update() function
dict1_products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
dict2_products = {'Chocolates':'150.0', 'Cakes':'1000.5', 'Brownies':'300.25'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Merge---")
print("dict1_products", dict1_products)
print("dict2_products", dict2_products)
# Use update() Function to merge two Dictionaries
print("---New Dictionary after Merge---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Merge---
dict1_products {'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
dict2_products {'Chocolates': '150.0', 'Cakes': '1000.5', 'Brownies': '300.25'}
---New Dictionary after Merge---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75, 'Chocolates': '150.0', 'Cakes': '1000.5', 'Brownies': '300.25'}
Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operator
- Example 1 - Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operator
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operator
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to concatenate dictionaries using ** operator
dict1_tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China','Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
dict2_tombs_of_sahaba = {
'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Abu Darda (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Merge---")
print("dict1_tombs_of_sahaba", dict1_tombs_of_sahaba)
print("dict2_tombs_of_sahaba", dict2_tombs_of_sahaba)
# Use ** Operator to merge two Dictionaries
dict3_tombs_of_sahaba = dict(dict1_tombs_of_sahaba,** dict2_tombs_of_sahaba)
print("---New Dictionary after Merge---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Merge---
dict1_tombs_of_sahaba {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
dict2_tombs_of_sahaba {'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Abu Darda (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul'}
---New Dictionary after Merge---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem', 'Hazrat Abuzer Gifari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Eyub (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Abu Darda (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Hazrat Abdulvedud (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Kaabe (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Abdul Sadiq bin Amir (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Hazrat Muhammed el-Ensari (R.A.)': 'Istanbul'}
- Example 2 - Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operator
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operator
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
the main purpose of the program is to concatenate dictionaries using ** operator
dict1_products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
dict2_products = {'Chocolates':'150.0', 'Cakes':'1000.5', 'Brownies':'300.25'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Merge---")
print("dict1_products", dict1_products)
print("dict2_products", dict2_products)
# Use ** Operator Function to merge two Dictionaries
dict3_products = dict(dict1_products,** dict2_products)
print("---New Dictionary after Merge---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Merge---
dict1_products {'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
dict2_products {'Chocolates': '150.0', 'Cakes': '1000.5', 'Brownies': '300.25'}
---New Dictionary after Merge---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75, 'Chocolates': '150.0', 'Cakes': '1000.5', 'Brownies': '300.25'}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Questions
- Merge the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
- Method 2: Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operators
- Merge the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Merge the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Concatenate Dictionaries using update() Function
- Method 2: Concatenate Dictionaries using ** Operators
- Merge the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 7 – Updation
- Methods of Updating a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present three methods to update a Dictionary
- Method 1: Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Method 2: Update the value of a Dictionary
- Method 3: Update the value of a Dictionary using update() Function
Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Example 1 – Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to update the key of a dictionary using pop() function
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China','Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Updatation---")
# Use pop() Function to update old_key_value with new_key_value
new_key = "Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A.)"
old_key = "Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)"
tombs_of_sahaba[new_key] = tombs_of_sahaba.pop(old_key)
print("---New Dictionary after Updatation---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Updatation---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Updatation---
{'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem', 'Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A.)': 'Turkey'}
- Example 2 – Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to update the key of a dictionary using pop() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Updatation---")
# Use pop() Function to update old_key_value with new_key_value
new_key = "Mango"
old_key = "Milk"
products[new_key] = products.pop(old_key)
print("---New Dictionary after Updatation---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Updatation---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Updatation---
{'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75, 'Mango': 150.15}
Update the value of a Dictionary
- Example 1 – Update the value of a Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Update the value of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to update the value of a dictionary
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China','Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Updatation---")
# Use key for updating value in a Dictionary
tombs_of_sahaba["Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)"] = "Turkey"
print("---New Dictionary after Updatation---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Updatation---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Updatation---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
- Example 2 – Update the value of a Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Update the value of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to update the value of a dictionary
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Updatation---")
# Use key for updating value in a Dictionary
products["Pumpkin"] = "90.45"
print("---New Dictionary after Updatation---")
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Dictionary before Updatation---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Updatation---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': '90.45'}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Questions
- Update the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Method 2: Update the value of a Dictionary
- Method 3: Update the value of a Dictionary using update() Function
- Update the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Update the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Update the key of a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Method 2: Update the value of a Dictionary
- Method 3: Update the value of a Dictionary using update() Function
- Update the selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Operation 8 – Deletion
- Methods to Delete Element(s) from a Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present four methods to delete a Dictionary
- Method 1: Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
- Method 2: Remove Element(s) of a Dictionary using clear() Function
- Method 3: Remove Specific Element(s) from a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Method 4: Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary using popitem() Function
Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
- Example 1 – Delete Entire Tuple - Using del
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary
print("---Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use del to delete specific key-value pair from a Dictionary
del products['Almond']
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
# Approach II - Delete Entire Dictionary
print("---Approach II - Delete Entire Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use del to delete specific key-value pair from a Dictionary
del products
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---Approach II - Delete Entire Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
name 'products' is not defined
- Example 2 - Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary
print("---Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use del to delete specific key-value pair from a Dictionary
del tombs_of_sahaba['Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)']
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
# Approach II - Delete Entire Dictionary
print("---Approach II - Delete Entire Dictionary---")
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use del to delete specific key-value pair from a Dictionary
del tombs_of_sahaba
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Approach I - Delete Specific Element from Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---Approach II - Delete Enitre Dictionary---
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
name 'tombs_of_sahaba' is not defined
Remove Elements of a Dictionary using clear() Function
- Example 1 - Remove Elements of a Dictionary using clear() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove Elements of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove elements of a dictionary using clear() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use clear() Function to delete all elements of a Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
- Example 2 - Remove Elements of a Dictionary using clear() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove Elements of a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove elements of a dictionary using clear() function
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use clear() Function to delete all elements of a Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
Remove Specific Element(s) from a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Example 1 - Remove Specific Element(s) from a Dictionary using pop() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove specific Element(s) from a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove specific element(s) of a dictionary using pop() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use pop() Function to remove specific element(s) of a Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
- Example 2 - Remove Specific Element(s) from a Dictionary using pop() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove specific Element(s) from a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove specific element(s) of a dictionary using pop() function
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use pop () Function to remove specific element(s) of a Dictionary
tombs_of_sahaba.pop('Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)')
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary using popitem() Function
- Example 1 - Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary using popitem() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove last element(s) of a dictionary using popitem() function
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use popitem() Function to remove last element(s) of a Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2, 'Pumpkin': 60.75}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Milk': 150.15, 'Honey': 900.25, 'Dates': 700.55, 'Olive Oil': 3000.7, 'Almond': 1000.2}
- Example 2 - Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary using popitem() Function
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove last element(s) of a dictionary using popitem() function
tombs_of_sahaba = { 'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
print("---Original Dictionary before Deleting---")
# Use popitem() Function to remove last element(s) of a Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary after Deleting---")
except Exception as ex:
---Original Dictionary before Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
---New Dictionary after Deleting---
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China'}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- courses = {
‘Python’: [‘Samavi’,’Narmeen’,’Awais’,’Rehan’,’Hassan’,’Hassan’],
‘Human Engineering’:
‘Spiritual Training Courses’:
[‘Rehan’,’Awais’,’Ali’,’Ahmed’,’Sara’,’Zara’,’Mahnoor’, ‘Maira’]}
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Remove from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Delete Entire / Element(s) from a Dictionary using del
- Method 2: Remove Element(s) of a Dictionary using clear() Function
- Method 3: Remove Specific Element(s) from a Dictionary using pop() Function
- Method 4: Remove Last Element(s) from a Dictionary using popitem() Function
- Remove from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider two Dictionaries (similar to the ones given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
- Method 1: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using key
- Method 2: Search Element(s) from a Dictionary using value
- Search from selected Dictionaries using following methods (as shown in this Chapter)
Dictionary Comprehension
- Dictionary Comprehension
- Definition
- Dictionary comprehension is a simple method for (conditionally) transforming items of one dictionary into another dictionary without using loops
- Syntax
dictionary = {key: value for vars in iterable}
- Example 1 - Dictionary Comprehension
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Dictionary Comprehension
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a new dictionary based on key-value pairs of an existing dictionary
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Create a new dictionary with element of previous dictionary
new_price = {item: value * 0.25 for (item, value) in products.items()}
except Exception as ex:
{'Milk': 37.5375, 'Honey': 225.0625, 'Dates': 175.1375, 'Olive Oil': 750.175, 'Almond': 250.05, 'Pumpkin': 15.1875}
- Example 2 - Dictionary Comprehension
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Dictionary Comprehension
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a new dictionary based on key-value pairs of an existing dictionary
# Dictionary Initialization
products = {'Milk':150.15, 'Honey':900.25, 'Dates':700.55, 'Olive Oil':3000.7, 'Almond':1000.2, 'Pumpkin':60.75}
# Create a new dictionary with element of previous dictionary
new_price = {key: ('Even' if value % 2 == 0 else 'Odd')
for (key, value) in products.items()}
except Exception as ex:
{'Milk': 'Odd', 'Honey': 'Odd', 'Dates': 'Odd', 'Olive Oil': 'Odd', 'Almond': 'Odd', 'Pumpkin': 'Odd'}
- Example 3 - Dictionary Comprehension
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Dictionary Comprehension
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a new dictionary based on key-value pairs of an existing dictionary
# Dictionary Initialization
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Create a new dictionary with element of previous dictionary
new_price = {item: value for (item, value) in tombs_of_sahaba.items()
if "i" in item}
except Exception as ex:
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
- Example 4 - Dictionary Comprehension
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Dictionary Comprehension
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_data = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a new dictionary based on key-value pairs of an existing dictionary
# Dictionary Initialization
tombs_of_sahaba = {'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)' : 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)' : 'Damascus' ,'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)' : 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)' : 'Istanbul','Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)' : 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
# Create a new dictionary with element of previous dictionary
new_price = {item: value for (item, value) in tombs_of_sahaba.items()}
except Exception as ex:
{'Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A.)': 'Turkey', 'Bilal (R.A.)': 'Damascus', 'Prophet Zulkuf (R.A.)': 'Syria', 'Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A.)': 'Istanbul', 'Saʿd ibn Abī Waqqās (R.A.)': 'China', 'Ubadah As-Samit (R.A.)': 'Jerusalem'}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- phone_directory = {‘0348-6642185’: ‘Adeeb’, ‘0321-4971961′:’Saaliha’, ‘0321-5865463’: ‘Kamaal’, ‘0321-4582322’: ‘Naaila’, ‘0345-8071517’: ‘Zuhra’, ‘0323-7654151′:’Wajeeha’}
- Consider the following two Dictionaries and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Use phone_directory to create a new dictionary which contains numbers starting with 0321?
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider a Dictionary (similar to the one given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Use the concept of Dictionary Comprehension to create a new Dictionary based on the selected Dictionary?
Nested Dictionary
- Nested Dictionary
- The syntax to create a Nested Dictionary using {} is as follows
Creating a Nested Dictionary
- Syntax - Creating a Nested Dictionary
- The syntax to create a Nested Tuple using () is as follows
nested_dict = {
'dictA': {'key_1': 'value_1'},
'dictB': {'key_2': 'value_2'},
'dictC': {'key_3': 'value_3'},
'dictD': {'key_4': 'value_4'},
'dictN': {'key_N': 'value_N'},
- Example 1 - Creating a Nested Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Create a Nested Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a nested dictionary
# Initializing a Nested Dictionary i.e., students
students = {1: {'Name': 'Samavi', 'Age': '27', 'Gender': 'Female'},
2: {'Name': 'Umer', 'Age': '22', 'Gender': 'Male'}}
print("Dictionary of Students for Introduction to Python:\n", students)
# Data-Type of Dictionary i.e., students
print("Data-Type of students:", type(students))
# Length of Dictionary i.e., students
print("Length of students:", len(students))
print("Error Occurred")
Dictionary of Students for Introduction to Python:
{1: {'Name': 'Samavi', 'Age': '27', 'Gender': 'Female'}, 2: {'Name': 'Umer', 'Age': '22', 'Gender': 'Male'}}
Data-Type of students:
Length of students: 2
- Example 2 - Creating a Nested Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Create a Nested Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a nested dictionary
# Initializing a Nested Dictionary i.e., course_registration
course_registration = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'},
3:{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali','Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '28','City': 'Islamabad'},
4:{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed','Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '26','City': 'Gujrat'},
5:{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Gujranwala'},
print("Dictionary of Students Registered for Introduction to Python:\n", course_registration)
# Data-Type of Dictionary i.e., students
print("Data-Type of course_registration:", type(course_registration))
# Length of Dictionary i.e., students
print("Length of course_registration:", len(course_registration))
print("Error Occurred")
Dictionary of Students Registered for Introduction to Python:
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}, 3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '28', 'City': 'Islamabad'}, 4: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '26', 'City': 'Gujrat'}, 5: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Gujranwala'}}
Data-Type of course_registration:
Length of course_registration: 5
Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- You can access individual items in a Nested Dictionary using multiple indexes
- Example 1 - Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary – Using Indexing
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Access Elements of Nested Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to access elements of a nested dictionary
# Approach I - Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary – Using Indexing
# Nested Dictionary Initialization
student_information = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'}}
print("---Approach I - Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary – Using Indexing---")
# Access Elements of Nested Dictionary using Indexing
print("Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Student_Name':",
print("Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Gender':",
print("Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Age':",
print("Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'City':",
# Approach II - Access Elements of Nested Dictionary using another Dictionary
print("---Approach II - Access Elements of Nested Dictionary using another Dictionary---")
# Access Elements of Nested Dictionary using another Dictionary
student_information[3] = {}
# Add Values in a new Dictionary
student_information[3]['Student_Name'] = 'Mr. Imran'
student_information[3]['Gender'] = 'Male'
student_information[3]['Age'] = '20'
student_information[3]['City'] = 'Multan'
# Display the New Dictionary
print("Access New Dictionary:\n",student_information[3])
print("Error Occurred")
Memory Representation
Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Student_Name': Ms. Samavi
Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Gender': Female
Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'Age': 24
Element at index student_information[1] with Key 'City': Lahore
Operations on Nested Dictionary
- Add Elements in a Nested Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present a method to add element(s) in a Nested Dictionary
- Method 1 – Add a New Dictionary inside a Nested Dictionary
- Example 1 - Add Elements in a Nested Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Add Elements in a Nested Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to add elements in a nested dictionary
# Initializing a Nested Dictionary i.e., student_information
student_information = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'}}
# Display Original Dictionary
print("---Original Nested Dictionary---")
# Display Dictionary after Adding a New Dictionary inside a Nested Dictionary
print("---New Dictionary adding a Dictionary---")
# Create a Key-Value Pair i.e., another Dictionary inside a Dictionary
student_information[3] = {'name': 'Peter', 'age': '29', 'sex': 'Male', 'married': 'Yes'}
print("Error Occurred")
---Original Nested Dictionary---
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}}
---New Dictionary adding a Dictionary---
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}, 3: {'name': 'Peter', 'age': '29', 'sex': 'Male', 'married': 'Yes'}}
Traverse a Nested Dictionary
- Traverse a Nested Dictionary
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present a method to traverse a Dictionary
- Method 1: Traversing a Nested Dictionary (Element by Element)
- Example 1 - Traversing a Nested Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Traversing a Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to traversing a dictionary
# Initializing a Nested Dictionary i.e., student_information
student_information = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'},
3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20', 'City': 'Multan'}}
# Traverse a Dictionary
for student_id, student_info in student_information.items():
print("\nStudent_ID:", student_id)
for key in student_info:
print(key + ':', student_info[key])
print("Error Occurred")
Student_ID: 1
Student_Name: Ms. Samavi
Gender: Female
Age: 24
City: Lahore
Student_ID: 2
Student_Name: Ms. Samra
Gender: Female
Age: 23
City: Karachi
Student_ID: 3
Student_Name: Mr. Imran
Gender: Male
Age: 20
City: Multan
Remove Elements from a Nested Dictionary
- Remove Elements from a Nested Tuple
- In Sha Allah, in next Slides, I will present two methods to remove element(s) in a Nested Dictionary
- Method 1 – Remove Element(s) of a Nested Dictionary
- Method 2 – Remove Entire Dictionary
- Example 1 - Remove Element(s) from a Nested Dictionary
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Remove Elements from a Nested Dictionary
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to remove elements from a nested dictionary
student_information = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'},
3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20', 'City': 'Multan'}}
# Approach I – Remove a Key from a Nested Dictionary
print("---Approach I – Remove an Key from a Nested Dictionary---")
# Display Original Dictionary
print("---Original Nested Dictionary---")
# Remove Key at Index 2
del student_information[3]['City']
print("---New Dictionary after Removing a Key from a Nested Dictionary---")
# Approach II – Remove a Nested Dictionary
print("---Approach II – Remove a Nested Dictionary---")
# Display Original Dictionary
print("---Original Nested Dictionary---")
# Remove a Dictionary
del student_information
print("---New Dictionary after Removing a Nested Dictionary---")
except Exception as ex:
---Approach I – Remove an Key from a Nested Dictionary---
---Original Nested Dictionary ---
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}, 3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20', 'City': 'Multan'}}
---New Dictionary after Removing a Key from a Nested Dictionary---
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}, 3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20'}}
---Approach II – Remove a Nested Dictionary---
---Original Nested Dictionary ---
{1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}, 2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}, 3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20'}}
---New Dictionary after Removing a Nested Dictionary---
name 'student_information' is not defined
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following Nested Dictionary and answer the questions given below
student_courses = {
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’},
{‘Program’:’BS(CE)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’},
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’}}
- Questions
- Apply following operations on the given Nested Dictionary (as shown in this Chapter)?
- Operation 1: Create a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 2: Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 3: Add New Element in a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 4: Traverse a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 6: Remove Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- Apply following operations on the given Nested Dictionary (as shown in this Chapter)?
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider a Nested Dictionary (similar to the one given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Apply following operations on the selected Nested Dictionary (as shown in this Chapter)?
- Operation 1: Create a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 2: Access Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 3: Add New Element in a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 4: Traverse a Nested Dictionary
- Operation 6: Remove Elements of a Nested Dictionary
- Apply following operations on the selected Nested Dictionary (as shown in this Chapter)?
Creating a Dictionary within a List
- Example 1 - Creating a Dictionary within a List
Author and System Information
author_name = Ms. Samavi Salman
program_name = Creating a Dictionary within a List
programming_language = Python
operating_system = Windows 10
ide = Jupyter Notebook
licence = public_domain_1.0
start_date = 21-Jun-2022
end_date = 21-Jun-2022
Purpose of Program
The main purpose of the program is to create a dictionary within a list
course_registration = {
'Learn How to Achieve Excellence in Love and Obedience of Allah':
[{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '24'}, {'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Karachi'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'},{'City': 'Islamabad'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'},{'City': 'Gujrat'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Gujranwala'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Mustafa'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'},{'City': 'Multan'}
'Learn How to Achieve Excellence in Love and Obedience of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)':
[{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Fatima'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '22'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Karachi'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Rizwan'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '25'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'},{'City': 'Karachi'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Saman'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Abdullah'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'},{'City': 'Lahore'}
'Learn How to Become an Authority in Your Field':
[{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Ayesha'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '24'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Umer'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '21'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Islamabad'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'},{'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'},{'City': 'Lahore'},
{'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'},{'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'},{'City': 'Lahore'}
print("Creating a Dictionary within a List:\n",course_registration)
except Exception as ex:
Creating a Dictionary within a List:
{'Learn How to Achieve Excellence in Love and Obedience of Allah': [{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '24'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Karachi'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'}, {'City': 'Islamabad'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'}, {'City': 'Gujrat'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Gujranwala'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Mustafa'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'}, {'City': 'Multan'}], 'Learn How to Achieve Excellence in Love and Obedience of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)': [{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Fatima'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '22'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Karachi'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Rizwan'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '25'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'}, {'City': 'Karachi'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Saman'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Abdullah'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}], 'Learn How to Become an Authority in Your Field': [{'Student_Name': 'Ms. Ayesha'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '24'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Umer'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '21'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Islamabad'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Sana'}, {'Gender': 'Female'}, {'Age': '23'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ali'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '28'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}, {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Ahmed'}, {'Gender': 'Male'}, {'Age': '26'}, {'City': 'Lahore'}]}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following Nested Dictionary and answer the questions given below
student_courses = {
‘FA15-BCS-01’: [
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’}, {‘Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’}
‘FA15-BCS-03’: [
{‘Program’:’BS(CE)’}, {‘Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’}
‘FA15-BCS-05’: [
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’}, {‘Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’}
- Questions
- Create a Dictionary within a List (as shown in this Chapter)?
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider a Nested Dictionary (similar to the one given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Create a Dictionary within a List (as shown in this Chapter)?
Passing Nested Dictionary to a Function
- Example 1 - Passing Nested Dictionary to a Function
student_information = {
1: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24','City': 'Lahore'},
2: {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra','Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23','City': 'Karachi'},
3: {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20', 'City': 'Multan'}
def nested_dict_pairs_iterator(dict_obj):
''' This function accepts a nested dictionary as argument
and iterate over all values of nested dictionaries
# Iterate over all key-value pairs of dict argument
for key, value in dict_obj.items():
except Exception as ex:
1 {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samavi', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '24', 'City': 'Lahore'}
2 {'Student_Name': 'Ms. Samra', 'Gender': 'Female', 'Age': '23', 'City': 'Karachi'}
3 {'Student_Name': 'Mr. Imran', 'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': '20', 'City': 'Multan'}
TODO and Your Turn
TODO Task 1
- Task
- Consider the following Nested Dictionary and answer the questions given below
student_courses = {
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’},
{‘Program’:’BS(CE)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’},
{‘Program’:’BS(CS)’,’Degree’:’Bachelors in Computer Science’}}
- Questions
- Pass Nested Dictionary to a Function (as shown in this Chapter)?
Your Turn Task 1
- Task
- Consider a Nested Dictionary (similar to the one given in TODO Task 1) and answer the questions given below
- Questions
- Pass Nested Dictionary to a Function (as shown in this Chapter)?
Chapter Summary
- Chapter Summary
In this Chapter, I presented the following main concepts:
- Dictionary
- Definition 1
- In Python, Dictionary is a data structure which stores data as a set of unique identifiers, each of which have an associated value
- This Data Pairing is called key-value pair
- key
- The unique identifier is called the key for an item of data
- value
- A value is either the data being identified or the location of that data
- key
- Definition 2
- A Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs
- Note
- In each key-value pair, the kay is mapped to its associated value.
- Data Type – key
- A Dictionary key can be almost any Python Object, but
- Mostly Strings and Numbers are used keys
- A Dictionary key can be almost any Python Object, but
- Data Type – value
- A Dictionary value can be any arbitrary Python Object
- Dictionary Declaration
- A Dictionary value can be any arbitrary Python Object
- A Dictionary can be declared using two methods
- Method 1: Use {}
- Method 2: Use dict() Function
- Declaring an Empty Dictionary
- Method 1: Use {}
- Method 2: Use dict() Built in Function
- Initializing a Dictionary
- Method 1: Building a Complete Dictionary
- Method 2: Building a Dictionary Incrementally
- Access value of an Individual Dictionary Item
- Accessing Elements of a Dictionary
- Method 1 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using key Name inside []
- Method 2 – Access Element(s) of a Dictionary using get() built-in Functions
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Accessing Elements of a Dictionary
- Access List of keys in a Dictionary using key() built-in Function
- Access List of values in a Dictionary
- Access List of values in a Dictionary using values() built-in Function
- Operations on Dictionary
- Operation 1 – Creation
- Operation 2 – Insertion
- Operation 3 – Traversal
- Operation 4 – Searching
- Operation 5 – Sorting
- Operation 6 – Merging
- Operation 7 – Updation
- Operation 8 – Deletion
- Dictionary Comprehension
- Dictionary comprehension is a simple method for (conditionally) transforming items of one dictionary into another dictionary without using loops
- Nested Dictionary
- A Nested Dictionary is a Dictionary of Dictionaries
In Next Chapter
- In Next Chapter
- In Sha Allah, in the next Chapter, I will present a detailed discussion on
- Tuples in Python